Kia ora koutou,
Maori / Aotearoa News
Passing over of the Maori King
Myself and many of the community are saddened to hear of the passing of His Majesty, Tuuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII this morning. His passing follows the celebration of the 18th anniversary of his coronation. A heart surgery outcome was not as expected, as reported by medical officials.
This will be a great time of sadness for many of the People, his whaanau, Te Kiingitanga and Maaoridom followers and for the people of New Zealand, Aotearoa and across the pacific where his influenced reached to many other countries.
The love of the forum extends to all affected and for the safe passage of The King.
The King reached out with a mission of unity (Kotahitanga) and for each of us to strengthen the ties between us. During the following five days as the body lays at the Marae, Whaanau will gather to deliberate his sucessor and then he will be laid to rest on the mountain.
I do not know if any are travelling to Turangawaewae to pay respect in the coming days. Please let us know if you are so we can spiritually share in that Journey.
For those wondering, the double vowels represent the Kiingitanga dialect used instead of vowels with macrons.
Moe ma ra (rest in peace.)
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