Create a new Blog page

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Once submitted, you will be able to edit or delete your blog page at any time. Once submitted, when you go to edit the page you’ve just created you will have acess to even more flexible options. Once verified by Admin you can be upgraded to contributor status which means access to some of the admin screens. Admin will discuss with you any concepts that help the website and you along the way.

You can also go back in after saving and set your page(s) to private so you can make changes as you feel, as long as it takes, until when, if you are ever ready to change the status to public.

Admin respects your privacy and will never release private saved pages and content to public. This is admins now 40 year assurance.


Blog Tags: Separate each tag with a comma (e.g. New Zealand, Peace, Activism)

Page Excerpt: Select or summarise the key concepts of the page. This is useful for people to quickly understand the topic.

Page link: Once it is submitted, there will be a website link you can save/use.

From time to time we check for improvements that maximise the layout for web suitability and search engine optimisation.

Advertising, material that is unlawful, or does not support the website activities may be removed without notice. If in doubt, have a private talk with us.

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