Online R18 has no safety switch

Prewarning — this is written verbatim with no brakes. I have no pictures etc to load atm…. take it as it is.

Those of who have a history on online R18 activity need to understand at least four reasons why it is no longer a safe past-time. We’re not saying, adult activity online is not an adult choice. Nor is it normally illegal. But recent discoveries have taken the risk factor up four times from five years ago. It is no longer a safe happy hunting ground for lonely souls.

1. The rise of AI means you are not necessarily engaging with a supposed human. Not only has it always been a risk that what you are seeing is not what you think, or not the actual view of the person managing what you are hearing/seeing, but now it is that what you are seeing can be one step ahead of you. It could be recording. It could be determining your GPS position regardless of virtual networking on incognito mode. And it can be playing on your fantasies without realising.

2. Most readily available adult websites have limited log in criteria. You agree you are at least 18 years of age. You then participate without actually knowing what you are going to see or interact with next. What about the fact there could be the quiet observers (systems on mute) or their cam is off. How do you know who is on the other end typing on your screen. If they catch you at the wrong moment, it is way too late to do much about it. With the limited log in process, you are open to whomever has the will to come looking. The chance of that person or group being someone you want to interact with really is limited. This could be any adult website. A fantasy site, role play, etc.

3. Adult sex websites. This is even more perilous. That is because you are trusting a remote system with your most intimate self. A recent associate became obsessed with this covering two sex workers overseas. The discovery was made that the second sex worker was being ‘remote controlled’ by the system managers using devices to sexually manipulate the worker many times over the course of a working day on camera for a paying equally keen crowd. Modern day slavery comes to mind. And we know that is just wrong.

4. But the back story to this is, the whole ‘private sessions’ were likely being recorded. Later potentially to be used to entrap vulnerable people or used for further marketing. You gave up your soul to gain access to the devils vixen.

5. Credit card scams. Online adult websites that are protected generally include using a credit card to (a) assume adulthood and (b) ensure adult only participation. The risk you have is that your card then goes in to a remote system. The adult online sex community is risky enough without offering your credit card details to a not necessarily trust proofed website regardless of how slick they look. You only need to venture into the dark web and do a simple card search to realise the stealing of credit card data is rife.

Oh, I know, I said 4 reasons. That’s me… always finding more. And there are more. But still, (6) What if you go in to an adult camera sharing website and your neighbour appears online. Or your parent(s). Or your children. Or their children. Or someone’ elses. But that’s is just fear-mongering isn’t it. The other (5) reasons are not fear-mongering, they are real.

Adult websites are no longer safe at all and that is due to the rise of AI and the ease in which the wrong people can gain access. Fortunately for society, this change of status will mean the demise of the current way adult sites operate. And so it should. Access to adult only content (real time, social platforms, services) should be reviewed with all the above in mind.

So you are hooked on the above activities – what can you do to make changes?

  1. Make a decision on what to you is ‘better’ in life than the above. Here’s some suggestions:
    • Become involved in an online or real life voluntary group of your liking.
    • Change your online time so that you spend that time only when in the company of friends, family and/or work activities (e.g. working from home online.)
    • Do something nice, every week, for your family and friends that makes living so worth while.
  2. Register on our forum here and message me with your thoughts. I have always kept everything confidential. Believe me, I have seen and heard plenty.
  3. If you use simple USB internet cameras – trash them physically. Put them on the ground and run over them for all that matters. Throw them in the bin and see the bin emptied. Break the lenses. Cut the cables. Donate them to the firepit. Change is now. If you don’t… try the following.
  4. If you use a desktop/notebook or cellphone, put an adult block on your router if you can. Also
    • Delete your browser history and cache (but not necessarily your passwords)
    • Install an adult site block on those devices.
    • Refer to ChatGPT or another useful resource for other options (may as well use AI eh?!)
    • Disable any back-sided cameras (mostly on cellphones and tablets that enable you to watch from the front screen but be online via the backscreen. Those of you who do this know exactly what I mean. The rest of you can well use your imagination.)

People resort to online adult activity for a fairly limited number of reasons. One, to gain your own ‘adult’ confidence. You may have been abused when young or have episodes in your life that had made you feel insuperior. Jumping online bridges that issue and makes you feel whole.

Others do this because they think that in real life they are inadequate sexually. Reality is, for almost all of you (and I mean…. 99%) this is a fabrication of the mind. A true male does not care how ‘tight’ you are and a true female does not care how small you appear. In both aspects, the reality is you are normal. If you are in doubt, talk with someone you trust. That is not as weird as you might think. It just so happens that many people have this question on mind. Are you really a ‘micro’ in that area?

Or maybe you are getting on in years or finding yourself alone. There’s plenty of reasons why.

For whatever reason, you may find yourself spending a large part of your life with the above issues. The sooner we get to deal with this, the better for you and whether you realise or not, those around you. Replacing these online activities and thoughts with something better (refer above) is the only thing you need. Incredibly for some, a life time of adult habit can be quickly cured.

How quickly?

Overnight actually for some. I remember the day I turned 50. After a life time of smoking, from the age of 14, I relit my last cigarette not once, but 5x on my 50th birthday evening. Finally, threw it out on the back lawn, knowing there were no cigarettes left in the packet, knowing I had no money in the bank or on hand, and went to bed. I have not smoked since (aside from cigars on very rare ocassion, but I do not see any addiction with those.) 36 years of heavy smoking stopped in one final act.

That quickly for some. A little bit of thinking for others.

What do I do with the data that might be hiding on my system(s)?

Talk to someone about resetting your system(s.) They don’t need to know why. If you know me, or are near my location, i can deal with this for you.

My activities were on an old system I no longer use (but there might be personal files I want to restore or keep.) What should I do?

If you have old computers/systems that are in storage, we offer a recycling process. You can choose to keep a copy of personal files for your own review, or have everything fully destroyed in the process. We periodically recyle PC’s, notebooks, tablets, phones. Not monitors or printers mind. We’ve been doing this since the 1980’s so we’re very good at keeping everything confidential. If you don’t care, just want everything recycled, I do not mind if you simply drop it round.

But I heard there were instances were the technician was stealing private data. How do I trust you?

I know of two instances were personal data was stolen by technicians. One in Kapiti, Wellington some years back and another just a month ago.

Firstly, I’ve been in this business since 1984. I consider data a person or businesses private asset. Unless you specifically want me to undertake a specific task with your data, such as attempting a file restore, the most I will do is transfer it to a USB or CD for your retention. With recycling everything is recycled. Nothing otherwise retained. If we are restoring a system for you, we will back up the data usually to a temporary folder on a removable hard drive. It is usual practice to fully destroy the folder and contents once finished, from a week later.

Safe Hands statement: In case you want more credential: I am also a public servant under the highest level of security check and have worked on central government systems. Confidentiality is part of that position at all times. You are in safe hands for life.

What about the future of adult oriented websites?

Reality is there needs to be a security system that absolutely verifies the age of the participant. Simply agreeing you are over 18 is futile. Adding a credit card, when any other person could borrow the information (legally or illegally,) as verification, is futile. So something needs to change.

Bio Tech, voice biometrics, body scans can all be used to acurately determine a person of adult age.

Let us know your thoughts.

As usual a quick write up with no formatting. Take it as it is for better or worse. Always with the option of improvement.

3 thoughts on “Online R18 has no safety switch”

  1. Thanks for your response. You’re right that calling these women “devil’s vixen” could be seen as a harsh term, and many of them are just trying to make a living, often without knowing all the details about their work. You also made a good point about how people can be tricked or misled in these situations.

    The rationale behind the term is that these online activities can be dangerous because some companies take advantage of people (like trapping young males or females into online activities), hence the ‘devils vixen’ which was meant in this context, record them without telling them, and don’t pay the people offering themselves fairly. Being honest and respectful with others, including as site operators, no matter where they’re from, is really important in both online and real-life relationships. I did warn the world, the brakes were off. That also means with the injection of AI and other potential changes on the horizon.

    1. FKS… the admin was clearly talking about how people can get caught up in the moment. Not about the person offering their services. It’s like… velcome to mine lair… cum ‘n spend some time and money (or not) having a seductive moment. Forget the risk. Take some. If that’s what you mean, I agree with the sentiment about the situation from the person visiting the site. The situation with the ‘operator’ is something else. Ever watched youtube showing people stuck in the sex industry.

  2. A few issues with what you say here Kevin…
    3. Adult sex websites. This is even more perilous. That is because you are trusting a remote system with your most intimate self. A recent associate became obsessed with this covering two sex workers overseas. The discovery was made that the second sex worker was being ‘remote controlled’ by the system managers using devices to sexually manipulate the worker many times over the course of a working day on camera for a paying equally keen crowd. Modern day slavery comes to mind. And we know that is just wrong.

    4. But the back story to this is, the whole ‘private sessions’ were likely being recorded. Later potentially to be used to entrap vulnerable people or used for further marketing. You gave up your soul to gain access to the devils vixen.

    3/ turned out to be largely a case of the psychological principle of projection. Women are vulnerable to the belief that they can increase the interest a man has in them by promoting jealousy via pretending competition for her affections by others. This is a common response with women who are more attracted to popular high status men with lots of options.
    Men DO NOT think like this. And these women are often talked into such actions by other women with similar ingrained beliefs. Suffice to say, open and honest communication is always appropriate. And a big advantage to social and romantic interaction outside your own cultural cage, is that you find that open communication is something that westernized countries like NZ stifle.
    Many foreign countries don’t seem to have this issue. And open honest truth, without fear of offence is respected.
    4/Devil’s Vixen? WTF!
    These are people struggling to survive, doing the only work available to them.
    The matter that all video sessions are recorded, and in the site users “collection” forever, unless deleted. And of course stored on host servers too, is a touchy one.
    When you discover that an inexperienced, vulnerable young woman has been doing a sex performance chat job for just over a month, without anyone informing her that these recordings exist, and she gets really upset at learning this, it’s not a pleasant thing. Many of these vulnerable young woman are not informed, or worse as a general rule misled about such details of what they are getting into. And more often than not deceived about financial returns from the income being generated. And trapped by an initial month of promotion when they start, and then caught in very bad working conditions, with long hours, and very unpleasant work forced on them, when this initial honeymoon phase ends.

    I’m rather unimpressed with your description of these quite normal youth of today, as ” the devil’s vixen”.
    They are young women like any other. And this is the communication culture of today.
    The USA is as usual behind the theft of most of what incomes they generate. And the lack of respect for human rights and informed consent.
    By all means be cautious and honerable with interactions on video chat servers. But hey. Your phone is as paying on everything you do anyway. At least in those places you know it.

    What’s more. Compared to the dinosaur venues of concerts, pubs, nightclubs..
    You can actually communicate with human beings and get to know them.
    Not be deafened, stupified by drink and fall into a relationship blind.
    Enjoy it while you can.
    Kevin is right that AI I’d being trained to take over this employment.
    Though, that will only likely affect young boys with poor communication skills and hormonally crushed higher social functioning.
    I am currently engaged to a very sweet and lovely lady in Colombia. We are very in love, and exchange about a hundred messages, videos. Pictures…
    On the average day.
    It’s far less exasperating than dealing with the trainwrecks, ruined lives generated by NZ women’s either buying into delusions about the future, or propaganda fed self-entitled attitudes.
    So well known to those of us who are gregarious, socially outgoing, and we’ll connected.

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