It’s that happy time of year when scammers are busy online and on your phones. Do a double check when someone online tries to do any sort of business with you. Anything to do with finances, or your data.
The huge increase of automated phone calls going around right now is a phenomenon reported by call centre advisors suddenly in large number. IF you get a call saying your whatever is in jeapordy, and press this or that… don’t. Hang up immediately. Note the time, number displayed and what was said. Report it to the relevant agency e.g. Department of Internal Affairs, Immigration, Births deaths and marriages, your bank, phone company, power company etc.
Steps you can take to protect yourself
STOP – Don’t give money or personal information to anyone if unsure. Scammers will offer to help you or ask you to verify who you are. …
THINK – Ask yourself could the message or call be fake? Never click a link in a message. …
PROTECT – Act quickly if something feels wrong.
Be safe!
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To join the website when the registration system is disabled (due to prohibiting spammers): Email admin @ or text Kevin 0274 501 899. We have disabled automatic registration to restrict spamming. Please advise your preferred username and temporary password which you can change once joined along with editing other details.) Our holistic purpose is ‘greatest good for The People’ (Tino pai ki te iwi) Here and in the hereafter.
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