- This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by admin.
30 October 2023 at 9:44 am #718adminKeymaster
From the weekend of 29 October, 2023, we have re-opened the website for registrations, tidied the site a bit and reopened subscriptions. As we move towards retirement years for the prior membership, we are looking at services that bring a united platform for all to share their own endeavours and experiences. To help and be helped.
If you were a prior member of 12 or more months, or a new member and complete 12 months, you are regarded as a Senior Member. As activities come into play, those who are Senior Members will receive added value in return for their support, including hosting your own activities under your complete ownership.
To register please text username @ password to me at 0274501899 or email admin@spirit.org.nz.
30 October 2023 at 9:45 am #719adminKeymaster
Registration is completely free and enables you to add comments and reply on the forum general areas.
To register please text username @ password to me at 0274501899 or email admin@spirit.org.nz.
30 October 2023 at 9:47 am #720adminKeymaster
Monthly or Annual subscription is available to help support activities now and in future. On this page, we will advise what activities are being funded as they arise. Becoming a subscriber (member) is completely voluntary and helps us to offer services. If you find the services of value, please consider this, even if for a month or two. You can cancel anytime prior to the monthly or annual renewal.
To register please text username @ password to me at 0274501899 or email admin@spirit.org.nz.
30 October 2023 at 9:53 am #721adminKeymaster
What services did we host previously?
Gateways Care Centre – online advocacy for a whole range of life issues.
Spirit University – online training with Maree and other tutors
The Spirit board forum – online forum (3 versions.)
Meet & Greet – three real life meet and greets.
Weekly Healing Sessions – online, on the forum. 1 hour each on a Sunday
Weekly Gatherings – online, via the forum, chat/zoom/teams.
Daily readings – spiritual
Daily healing list and meditations.What services were we working on prior to the last forum (before it shifted to Facebook at the time?)
All the above
In-Community support services
Emergency/ crisis kits
Community housingIt’s up to all the dreamers, doers, people and their energy.
To register please text username @ password to me at 0274501899 or email admin@spirit.org.nz.
30 October 2023 at 9:59 am #722adminKeymaster
Administrators update
Our next funding is to install a new theme that enables a full range of social media integrations, look and feel. This will enable people to be able to have their own space, activities and freedom to share. Read about it here:
Project cost $59 USD ($101.54 NZD as ot 30 OCT 23.)
To register please text username @ password to me at 0274501899 or email admin@spirit.org.nz.
30 October 2023 at 10:20 pm #730adminKeymaster
User Registration – system verified and running.
Email service – user verification system – verified and running.The above services were re-activated this evening and are working for people to register.
All unused accounts from non-members (prior or present) have been reset so we remove any current risk of spammers. The system is good to go.
To register please text username @ password to me at 0274501899 or email admin@spirit.org.nz.
31 October 2023 at 11:31 am #731adminKeymaster
RECYCLING TIME – November to mid December 2023
Make money with our recycling. Rates: 40% (50% for senior Members)
Admin is currently scrapping through almost the last lot of old computers and general steel here over the month of November to early December. No one wants to service their old computers anymore so why should we hold the old gear? 8 inch drive anyone? Let’s recycle. We’re keeping minimal gear for historic tech and trade hobbies only.
If you have tech items such as computers, notebooks, tablets, cellphones ; general metals lying around such as old roofing, guttering, aluminium railings, cans) and white ware such as microwaves, freezers, fridges, washing machines, old hot water cylinders, any other metal products… don’t pay to get them recycled… read this…
note: we can not recycle monitors, printers, keyboards/mice or toner/ink as these have recycling costs for special dismantling you would have to meet.
If you are in our area, we are happy to work out a credit/payment to you for your share of the recycling once payment received by the recyclers. Although we do not use these recyclers generally, they do provide an estimate of current rates, please refer:
Steel is weighted per Kg. Computers, fridges, freezers generally go through as Shredder Feed which pays less. But, with computer tech we usually dismantle parts into steel, shredder, engines (drive/cd players/power supplies); mixed metals. Basically, so recycling is of best value for the planet and you.
You will receive a Tax Credit Note and can be paid in cash or direct payment to your account once we are also paid.
We cover pickup, dismantling, drop off/delivery and accounting. You just need to let us know and if it’s in our route, we’ll be there!
Q&A – additional services
Can you save my data, recover old records or sensitive data or try to restore my system? We can try. Cost is dependent on time and materials involved (typically $20-$50/drive.) For damaged drives, where there is important data, this is a considerably more time consuming job. The minimum, whether successful or not, is $20 (charged against the recycling credit.)
Can you take cables – yes if available for collection (we do not dismantle onsite.) You don’t need to remove the plugs. They can go as is.
Can you take metal furniture – yes if available for collection as just metal (we do not dismantle onsite.) E.g. old steel shelving, tables, racks.
Can you take old metal fences or roofing – yes if available for collection (we do not dismantle onsite.)
Anything else? Ask away.
To register please text username @ password to me at 0274501899 or email admin@spirit.org.nz.
6 November 2023 at 9:59 pm #773adminKeymaster
Donating to Spirit.org.nz’s reformation.
For every sale to a member or known associate. from our admin’s trademe store, facebook marketplace or select tech & Trade website sales, 10% minimum will be donated by admin to the spirit.org.nz donation drive. We are totally focused on reimaging and refocussing. We can not stay silent when there is good works to be done.
To register please text username @ password to me at 0274501899 or email admin@spirit.org.nz.
5 February 2024 at 10:41 pm #1005adminKeymaster
One of our two systems died a month back so we have taken the opportunity to import new internals (board, processor, memory) and will be using a quality case and power unit already here to build our new podcast/recording system.
We have the sound mixer, microphone sets, hardware other than the above. Watching for the import to arrive – it’s just cleared international customs.
Our last NZ based supplier pulled the plug on us quoting Cost-Solve ratios (errr, ok? Sounds like a race to oblivion if you cut all the little guys out like that.)… so we are back to importing our own. It could end up the means to fundraise charitable activities.
To register please text username @ password to me at 0274501899 or email admin@spirit.org.nz.
9 February 2024 at 6:39 pm #1025AnonymousInactive
Contacting Kevin.
Reach out here, or via Facebook post.
Private numbers – blocked unless prior known intended call. Most emails, numbers, messaging services and texts are also blocked with limited access. Read why here:
We do not accept blocked numbers (private call numbers) This is because of sensitive work issues where recent attempts of phone spoofing has occurred using our number (not our actual phone and not by ourselves, some random!) The call backs mostly come from private numbers. If you do need to call us using a private/blocked number, please send a text first to let us know. As the issue revolves exploitation of public, we have a file running with NZ Police.
We have also temporarily blocked most emails, texts and numbers except key services and family.
If you tried to call, text or email, sorry, please message on here or on facebook in our social media page (note, Facebook Messaging is disabled to all but direct family for the same reason. Use our forum page etc on FB.) If you know me, you know how to get in touch by those means.
The western world with all its traps and diversions doesn’t want us to concentrate on work and helping people with intended podcasting and live session programming. The gear is all here and we are anyway. But the new computer hardware has failed. We are in discussion with manufacturers for a fix but it could take weeks. It won’t stop us, just means working around issues. However possible, we will only focus on work, family and the goal of starting live services.
15 May 2024 at 2:28 pm #1219adminKeymaster
If you have my email as spooknz @ xtra… please change to kvnspnr @ gmail.com (new primary) or as a backup, admin @ spirit.org.nz . We’ll be moving away from Xtra with their intent on suddenly charging email hosting fees.
To register please text username @ password to me at 0274501899 or email admin@spirit.org.nz.
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